Thermal Physiology + The Environment

Thermal Physiology 103: Chronic Heat Exposure

Thermal Physiology 101 and 102 posts discuss the basics of human thermoregulation and human thermal limits. Those articles focus on the dangers of acute heat exposure, such as heat stroke. In this article, we explore physiological impacts of long term, chronic heat exposure.

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Thermoregulation in the Age of Climate Change: Why Stabilizing Body Temperature is Mission Critical

Rising temperatures are more than just a weather headline—they're a physiological challenge. The human body thrives within a narrow thermalneutral zone, but even slight deviations trigger stress responses that impact focus, performance, and health. Understanding thermoregulation isn’t just about comfort—it’s about survival. Learn why stabilizing body temperature is mission-critical in environments that push us beyond our limits and how agitation from heat is your body’s way of signaling danger.

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Cooling Vests and Dehydration

Qore products like ICEPLATE® and ICEFLASK provide cooling power through the phase change of ice to water. This article explains the basic physics behind this cooling and explores one main benefit of personal cooling devices: the significant reduction in sweat rate.

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Weaponizing Winter: Operating in Cold Environments
Cold weather adaptation can make the difference between mission success or failure in extreme environments. This article explores the basics of cold weather operations and techniques used by the U.S. Army to fight and win in Arctic conditions.
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